The Cutting Edge, 2

Expoziţia The Cutting Edge 2nd Edition este rezultatul proiectului cu acelaşi nume, prin care Asociația Culturală Art Act a invitat 22 de tineri artiști pentru o serie de workshop-uri și discuții menite să dezvolte conştientizarea problemelor de mediu şi a efectelor generate de intervenţia umană în natură. În urma explorării artistice a acestor subiecte de mare relevanţă pentru lumea contemporană, creativitatea individuală a fiecăruia dintre artişti a condus la realizarea lucrărilor din expoziţia The Cutting Edge 2nd Edition. (MACluj)

lucrari de: Andrei Ciurdarescu, Georgeta Olimpia Bera, Kudor-Duka Istvan

Baptist view on COP15 & Climate Change

Baptist World Alliance on Climate Change:

The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance,

Affirms the biblical teaching of respect for the Earth and everything in it, and the moral imperative to love one’s neighbors as oneself including those of future generations;

Notes that the United Nations Climate Change Conference scheduled for December 7-18, 2009, in Copenhagen, Denmark, will consider a new global climate treaty to set greenhouse gas emission reductions for industrialized and major developing countries, and adaption assistance for developing nations;

Confesses that many Baptists have not taken seriously the global environmental crisis;

Calls upon national government bodies urgently to initiate climate change legislation which will strengthen the terms of the Copenhagen treaty;

Calls upon Baptist individuals, churches, unions and conventions to recognize the Copenhagen conference as a landmark event, to pray for and support efforts made there, and to make ecologically-appropriate lifestyle changes as a matter of Christian discipleship.

Photo: COP15