Incidentul Plesu

Incidentul Plesu

Exista doua chestiuni in povestea asta care o fac incredibila:

1. Cum Heraclit, tu ca librar humanitas sa nu il recunosti pe Andrei Plesu, autor humanitas?
2. Cum tu Andrei Plesu sa suni sa parasti ca nu ti s-a acordat reducerea la care avei dreptul? Si subsecvent: chiar daca nu ai fost recunoscut, puteai actiona, nu fara inteligenta si umor, asemeni lui Forester, avand in vedere ca in spatele tijghelei humanitasului din Sibiu exista portretele autorilor asociati editurii – I am that one over there!

La Pedrera

La Pedrera is such an avangardist place even for our times… and to think that it was bulid by Gaudi more than a century ago is simply mind blowing. It was so mesmerizing I had to give up a thorough visit of the rest of the house and return to the rooftop. It was almost closing time, the place was empty of tourists and the night jazz band was rehersing. What a hypnotic experience this was…

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