Ursus Beerhouse

I was really impressed with the way the old pub was rehabilitated: it really looks like a western beerhouse and made me remember about the packed bars in the Netherlands during Euro 2008.

Just for the record, I do not like (or drink) beer, nor is this a commercial thread, but it is good to see that places with history and which are representative for Cluj are treated right.


Girl meets girl


Dacă o carte are rolul de a produce reacţii puternice în cititor – indiferent dacă sunt pozitive sau negative – şi dacă îl provoacă la gândire critică atunci Fata întâlneşte băiatul şi a atins scopul.

Cartea promovează faptul că e “ok să fii gay” însă într’o manieră subversivă, în care îmi pare că ar încuraja gratuit adoptarea unei atitudini ireale cu privire la sexualitate, astfel încât persoane confuze să ajungă să îşi inducă faptul că sunt diferiţi, să accepte un stil de viaţă gay chiar dacă de fapt ei nu sunt.

Din povestire transpar lucrurile care ar putea constitui cauze pentru adoptarea unui stil de viaţă opus sexualităţii înnăscute şi anume: familii disfuncţionale în care unul dintre părinţi părăseşte familia, iresponsabilitatea părinţilor faţă de copii, imoralitatea, “valorile” unei societăţi corupte care nu preţuieşte viaţa umană şi acceptă avortul în numele unei libertăţi de alegere (dar nu a fiinţei umane nenăscute), faptul că se încurajează degradarea femeii şi privirea acesteia ca obiect comercial.

La sfârşit intervine nimicul. Ce fel de atitudine e aceasta, de a te extazia în faţa nimicului, de a găsi valoare acolo unde aceasta nu există. Emil Cioran descrie atitudinea potrivită în faţa nimiclui, a neantului şi a lipsei de sens: disperarea organică. Orice altă atitudinea în faţa neanutului e o amăgire, e un nimic. Dacă nu există nimic, dacă nu există niciun sens lăsaţi’mă să innebunesc.

Rating: îmi vine greu să fac o medie artitmetică între lucrurile care mi-au plăcut foarte mult la cartea asta (stilul poetic pe alocuri) şi cele care nu.

Neal Morse: Testimony 2 in Budapest

On the 11th of June 2011 in Budapest I have seen the best progressive rock concert ever. I used to say that Neal Morse is the best progressive music composer in the world: but now I think he’s better.

The venue: Diesel club – in what seemed to be one of the suburbs of Budapest. It was a small place but the sound was good and there was no smoke inside. The place was not overcrowded but the public was from the quality area. J I do not think Neal was disappointed with us.


The show: This was the best show ever; the people in the Diesel club must have been the most inspired ones from Hungary. The band played for over three hours although this was the fifth gig in a row with no brake day. But none of the players looked tired to me. They had so much energy, so much precision and they displayed so high skills.

Neal Morse was of course the heart of the show. Fabulous keyboard playing and mind blowing guitar solos. I knew him master of the keys but man! I have never seen him play the guitar like this. He was a god – and if you think that’s heretic check out psalm 82. Neal had so many joyful moments on the stage: when he sang true joy could be read from his face. He put his heart in every line his singing was such a powerful testimony. But also when the others play he blended in so well and was really enjoying the music, the good prog. It was a thrill seeing him so passionate about music. Where do you get all that energy Neal?


Colin Leijenaar. His drumming was awesome: the powerful style, good rhythm and amazing skill. Seeing him play made me think that he really burns slow music.

Kristoffer Gildenlow was a great presence in this set. He completed the great rhythm section and I think he was exactly what a bass player should be: not very visible on the scene but essential to a good performance.

Paul Bielatowicz. His guitar was a thrill to listen. Great technical skills, good vibe on the rhythm section and much emotion on the slower parts and solos.

Nathan Brenton was a good partner for Paul, as can be seen in the photo. He also played the cello.


Ben Mathot. He seemed to be a very talented violin player and really got the attention of the crowd in some moments.

Jessica Koomen. She had a good contribution to the rhythm section (tambourine) and had a nice voice. Great to hear so fine voices on the acapella part.

Ola Heden. I did not see him very much as he was placed in the rear of the scene, but I think he was responsible for those lovely fusion sounds.

So, if you could have come to Neal’s concert and did not, then it was one of your biggest misses. A fabulous band led but the greatest composer out there. Symphonic sound, awesome virtuous music, great progressive composition. Thank you Neal and God bless! Although this has just ended I already want to see you again.

Here’s a video I took:

Rating: 10/10

Turul Romaniei – Contratimp Mamaia

Am fost deosebit de plăcut surprins să pot asista la o mică parte a Turului României la ciclism – contratimpul de la Mamaia – care s-a desfăşurat în staţiune pe 4 iunie. Nu am reuşit să identific cicliştii şi site-ul federaţiei nu m-a ajutat. Dar sper să vă bucuraţi de poze.

All photos by LiftingShadows 2011 – Do not use without permission.